Tomatoes. We have a past. Until I was 18, tomatoes and I were not friends. But, I will never forget the day we started a relationship. I was sitting in my Aunt’s kitchen, talking about food. I mentioned my dislike of tomatoes. She looked at me strangely, then asked:
“Have you ever had tomatoes with fresh mozzarella?”
“Well, I’m going to prepare tomatoes for you.”
Ten minutes later she hands me a beautiful plate and proclaims, “This is how tomatoes were meant to be eaten. You eat this salad, and you will like tomatoes.”
She was right. As soon as I took a bite of the tomato, mozzarella, and basil, I knew.

I knew that tomatoes and I were going to have to start over, and find a place where we could co exist.

At this point in the post I have to say that I had a caprese salad in Italy last week. I cried as I ate it. I love tomatoes. I love buffalo mozzarella. I love that God created an herb (basil) specifically meant for one of his beloved fruits.

I love you, tomatoes. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.

fresh tomatoes
fresh mozzarella
fresh basil
olive oil

slice tomatoes and arrange on plate. Slice mozarella and arrange on top of tomatoes. Scatter fresh basil over cheese. Drizzle lightly (very lightly) with extra virgin olive oil.


7 Responses to Lunch: Caprese Salad

  1. Zina says:

    You are making me cry just to read this. :)

    I wonder if the tomatoes in Italy are like the tomatoes in Turkey. When Dean and I went there (on our honeymoon, on our way to Jordan,) (and suddenly I feel the need to add a caveat that it was not as romantic as what you might be picturing — I mean the honeymoon part was romantic, but the setting sometimes lacked — picture trying to enjoy a long bus ride through the countryside while all the men sitting around you chain smoke.) ANYWAY, with that caveat out of the way: we would buy fresh tomatoes, and slice them on country bread for sandwiches. We did this every day, and every day it was unbelievably delicious. Every tomato I’ve tasted since then has been but a pale ghost of what a tomato ought to taste like.

  2. Linda says:

    Mmmmm! This post is making me really excited for the approaching fresh tomato season. It’s our favorite time of year.

  3. SLP says:

    My favorite summer salad! I planted a small “utility” garden and I can’t wait for my tomatoes to appear!

  4. hp says:

    First, you were in Italy last week? That’s awesome. I had no idea. Second, I have all the fixins for a caprese salad right now so I guess I know what I’m having for my afternoon snack. Third, there is no tomato like a home grown tomato. I particularly like them sliced thick and served on white bread with mayonaise and a dash of salt. Am I the only one who ate tomato sandwiches growing up?

  5. Becky says:

    I am laughing and crying simultaneously! I am so in love with a good tomato/basil paring and you have captured their magical union here! I think I may have to plan a trip to Italy with you. . .

  6. ML says:

    I love your blog! Thanks for sharing these great culinary ideas.

  7. Meghann says:

    Yes, unbeknownst to many . . . tomatoes and I have a history as well. I judged him too harshly. But alas- I discovered that with the right tender, love, and care, we can co-exist!

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