Currently viewing the category: "Equipment"

Equipment: Grill Basket

On July 2, 2013 By admin

Our summer guests are about to roll in and we are busting out the grill basket. Make sure you have one for your veggies.

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Equipment: Rubber Gloves

On September 7, 2011 By admin

Do you use rubber gloves? I ask because this summer I had a house full of mommies who were disgusted by my lack of rubber gloves. One mommy couldn’t breathe until she got back from Target with a darling pair of dish cleaning gloves, just for me. I don’t know why I don’t use them, [...]

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Dear Vita Mix,

It has been too long. I must publicly express my feelings for you. I love you more than anything else in my kitchen. I love you more than my Bosch mixer. I love you more than…dare I say it…some of my best knives. You are always there for me and you never [...]

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Bread: Consider the Bread Machine

On December 28, 2010 By admin

In December 1998, a large package arrived at my door. It was a new and innovative tool called a bread machine. Fast forward 12 yeas later. A walk through any local Salvation Army or thrift store today produces several donated bread machines. They have become passe. But today I want you to rethink your bread [...]

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