Currently viewing the category: "Chicken"

Cooking School: Impressive Dinner

On November 15, 2014 By admin

Chicken Tenders/Roasted Potatoes/Simple Green Salad

You have before you all of the instructions you need to make a nice dinner for your family. The recipe below is adjustable according the amount of people you will feed. You will need 12 different ingredients (well, 13 if you want to count salt and pepper as two different [...]

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I love to think that I am really great about sharing recipes; that my treasure trove belongs not only to me, but to all of my friends. And while that is mostly true, sometimes I dread giving a recipe out because I love it so much. I find this all ironic because the [...]

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Dinner: Chicken Chile

On January 24, 2012 By admin

So. Here’s how it goes at our house: Sundays are insane. We wake up early. We go to church. We have meetings (before and after church). We play our instruments. We have people dropping by to say “Hi!”. We eat a serious amount of comfort food. We collapse on the couch. Because of the intense [...]

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Dinner: Chicken Cutlets

On May 5, 2008 By admin

The older I get and the more children I have, the less I want to host dinner parties. Several years ago, planning and executing dinner parties was my most favorite thing to do. Back then I had one child, numerous childless friends, and more time to plan and cook. Things are very different now. I [...]

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