Currently viewing the category: "Lunch"

It is time for lunch. You want to eat healthy. You don’t have a lot of time. Once again, I am here for you. It turns out that our Costco intermittently sells kale. I’m in heaven when they have it. When they don’t, I leave a comment card. Make sure you have [...]

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Dinner: Bruschetta

On September 26, 2012 By admin

Sometimes. Just sometimes, I hit the ball out of the park. And friends, I hit the ball out of the park when I make bruschetta. Instructions below.

Becca’s Bruschetta

4-5 fresh tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes
fresh basil, cut
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon [...]

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This post is really misplaced. I should have done it during the hottest days of summer–where the thought of turning on the oven makes you cringe. But there are school nights where the thought of turning on the oven makes me cringe–so there. Don’t get annoyed that there are no measurements. Just add what you [...]

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I love to think that I am really great about sharing recipes; that my treasure trove belongs not only to me, but to all of my friends. And while that is mostly true, sometimes I dread giving a recipe out because I love it so much. I find this all ironic because the [...]

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Lunch: Whole Wheat Bread

On March 8, 2012 By admin

Oh friends. I don’t know what to say. Just kidding. I totally know what to say. I found a killer bread recipe. Every few years I get the craving to make my own bread. I can’t say that I make my own bread on a regular basis because it really does happen [...]

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Dinner: Chicken Chile

On January 24, 2012 By admin

So. Here’s how it goes at our house: Sundays are insane. We wake up early. We go to church. We have meetings (before and after church). We play our instruments. We have people dropping by to say “Hi!”. We eat a serious amount of comfort food. We collapse on the couch. Because of the intense [...]

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Lunch: Curry Chicken Salad

On January 10, 2012 By admin

Who doesn’t have a Curry Chicken Salad recipe? Wait, did I just offend you by asking who doesn’t have one and you don’t have one? Lame. To make up for my lack of tact, I’ll give you one right now. This is from the June 2000 issue of Sunset Magazine. If you don’t subscribe to [...]

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I won’t say names but my friend Jen has a funny story. She served this really amazing dish one time (I can’t even link to the dish or tell you what kind of dish because it would give the story away) and brought it to a girls’ day out gathering. Her friends loved the dish. [...]

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Dinner: Asparagus and Mushroom Crepes

On September 24, 2011 By admin

If you’ve ever had a baby and someone has brought you dinner, you never forget what they bring. Well let me rephrase that–If someone brings you dinner after you have a baby, chances are you’ll remember their meal. I remember some postpartum meals being the very best thing I ever placed in my mouth. This [...]

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Soup: Beef and Lentil Stew

On September 20, 2011 By admin

This recipe is a keeper. I’ve been making it for so long that I can’t even remember where I got it. But, it is a comfortable, healthy, Fall kind of meal. And while cooking with ground beef is not one of my favorite things, I’ll gladly buy a package for this meal. Now that I [...]

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